Monday, May 8, 2017

Workshop Memories

I found this image, in my files, of a quick demo from Elio Camacho.  It is an example of his brushwork and wonderful color relations.  He did the demo in approximately 15 minutes, painting from memory.

Elio is a wonderful instructor, with so much information to share.  I was horrified when he wiped this off!

The painting below is another of his quickie demos.

Elio lives in the bay area, but he comes to Florida to teach each spring and fall.  I highly recommend his workshops.  If you are interested in attending a workshop, or a three hour demo, check out his schedule at his website.

This week, my sweet granddaughter, Courtney, graduates from University of Florida!!  Congratulations Courtney!!  We are so very proud of you!  Now, onward to medical school.

Carol Schiff

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