Sunday, February 28, 2016

Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Portrait Painting, 6x6: Oil on panel

This is a rugged painting of a rugged man!  I felt he deserved a little texture in his portrait.

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I enjoyed the process and will probably use it again.

I created lots of texture on the canvas using gesso.

This piece is unique for me, not only due to the texture, but also the subject matter.  When I first started painting, I started with portraits.  I painted most everyone in my family.....time after time.  My granddaughter probably has more original portraits of herself than any other person on earth.........and then I stopped!  I went on to still life and landscape and found the beauty of not being so exact in my work.  I was thrilled to delete a bush or change the shape of a pear.  I loved painting without trying to "capture" that person's facial features. I could concentrate on color and value instead of measuring the distance between the eyes or the length of the nose.  It brought new joy and freedom to my art.

but so did this!  I want to try it again.

Have a great day.

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