Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Small Floral Still Life. Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Flower Painting, 9x12x.75" Oil

Still playing catch up!  In retrospect, it was probably not a good idea to be out of state three months, attend a 4 day workshop and accept almost 20 commissions just weeks before the holidays.

So although I am painting every day, I am struggling to find new works that I can show on my blog at this time.

I did manage to do this one:

purchase here
185 + shipping
 I really enjoyed painting something that I wanted to paint, and I think it shows.  Free and easy strokes and a touch of whimsy.

The holidays are almost here.  I are you getting that slightly franic feeling that I have?  Time to take a deep breath and decide just what is important and what it not.

Thanks for reading my blog today.


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